Colin Campbell – Learn more about Colin Campbell

Last Updated on April 23, 2023 by admin

Colin Campbell worked for years on The China Study. It all started during his time at Cornell University. He never strayed far from academia, even after graduation. Working as a family physician, Dr. Campbell joined the University of Rochester as the clinical director and co-founder for the University’s Program for Nutrition in Medicine.

He also linked up with the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Oxford University, and his old stomping grounds at Cornell over the course of 20 years to pen The China Study. The basis of the book is comprised of 300+ studies and papers. To earn access to these papers, Dr. Campbell had to obtain grant year funding, of which he had over 70 years’ worth!

What is The China Study? It proved the correlation between disease and diet, especially animal proteins. By moving towards plant-based whole foods, Dr. Campbell scientifically showed how these could be better for the body.

This revised version features the same revelations in The China Study, but with additional research and input from Dr. Campbell and his physician son Tom Campbell. Once you finish reading this masterpiece, move onto The China Study Cookbook. This is co-authored by Dr. Campbell and his daughter LeAnne.

LeAnne follows three principles: locally-grown organic produce is always best; native, local foods can provide better nutrition; and there’s no need to take supplements if your diet is healthful enough. Although not totally SOS-free (there are small amounts of salt and sugar in some recipes), you can make changes to the recipes to adhere to your own diet. Some sample recipes you’ll find in The China Study Cookbook are Passionfruit Bliss Cheese(less) Cake Delights, Black Bean Chipotle Burgers, and Almond-Topped Blueberry Coffee Cake.


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